Bishop Street Methodist Church

Art at the Chapel Explorations into Art and Spirituality

Jenny Wakeley : Patterns of Creation

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Jenny Wakely : Patterns of Creation

Jenny Wakely exhibition poster for web

In December we had a fantastic exhibition of print making from Jenny Wakely. Jenny took up Printmaking when she retired, first at Embrace Arts, then at Leicester Print Workshop. As a scientist by training Jenny enjoys the technical aspects of printing whilst as an artist she appreciates the variety of possibilities it offers to suit different subjects.

” My work reflects the variety of shapes and patterns to be found in the natural world all around us, and celebrates the amazing creative power of God.”

Jenny works with a wide variety of printing techniques and the exhibition included mono prints, linocuts, photolithography and letterpress prints. The results are beautiful, intricate and eyecatching. Examples of Jenny’s work can be seen at the picture framers Maynard & Bradley in the Lanes of Leicester.  (At the corner of Silver Street and the Royal Arcade)


Jenny very generously offered us a mono-printing workshop and we had a lot of fun creating beautiful and delicate prints of the few remaining Autumn leaves we could find! Thanks Jenny.

Mono Printing with leaves


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Author: artatthechapel

Art at the Chapel is full of information on upcoming Art Exhibitions and Events at Bishop Street Methodist Church, Leicester. Art at the Chapel is for anyone interested in explorations into Art and Spirituality

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