Bishop Street Methodist Church

Art at the Chapel Explorations into Art and Spirituality

The Thanksgiving Tree

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Our prayer corner activity for December was the Thanksgiving Tree. We would like to say a big thank you to Ann Voskamp who created and gives away the printable leaves for free on her blog She has a great story here about how she explained the idea to her children which you may like to read.

We picked a leaf and reflected on the biblical verse written on it making the words our prayer of thanksgiving back to God. On the back of the leaf we wrote down something we were grateful to God for and hung it on a branch.

It was uplifting to read what people wrote and I for one appreciated the reminder to be thankful for all the blessings God gives me each and every day!



Author: artatthechapel

Art at the Chapel is full of information on upcoming Art Exhibitions and Events at Bishop Street Methodist Church, Leicester. Art at the Chapel is for anyone interested in explorations into Art and Spirituality

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