Bishop Street Methodist Church

Art at the Chapel Explorations into Art and Spirituality

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Creative Workshop, Art – the healing spirit

Using bottle paints, lolly sticks and wax crayons this creative and colourful workshop was designed to complement the remit exhibition. The freedom and playful nature of the technique allowed the pieces to come from the heart rather than the mind.

Once the pieces had been created we spent some time reflecting on what they could tell us which allowed us all to make some interesting discoveries. The colours we had chosen, different ways we had worked and the resulting images varied greatly for each person even though the materials and instructions we had used were exactly the same.

We hope to repeat this workshop in October so if its something you would like to participate in keep an eye out for it!

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Art- The Healing Spirit Workshop leaflet a4 (1)

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Remit Art Exhibition, Leicester

Art the Healing Spirit

Remit Art Exhibition, LeicesterOur May Exhibition by the Remit students from the Leicester Adult Education College has filled the Church with a varied and colourful display of artwork interspersed with uplifting lines of poetry.

Portraits, landscapes and abstracts combined as the students took their inspiration from their imaginations, the world around them and from the work of famous artists including Turner and Klee.

There was a great buzz on the opening night while people enjoyed the show and listening to the live piano performance. We’d like to thank Berta Heffernan and Dave Green, the Remit tutors for organising the artwork, holding the poetry workshop and curating the exhibition. We’s also like to thank Jane Knight, one of the exhibiting artists, for being the inspiration for the show.

Below is a selection of artwork from the exhibition.

To find out more about Remit please click here

Bishop Street by Ruth Joy Photography Bishop Street by Ruth Joy Photography Bishop Street by Ruth Joy Photography Bishop Street by Ruth Joy Photography Bishop Street by Ruth Joy Photography Bishop Street by Ruth Joy Photography Bishop Street by Ruth Joy Photography Bishop Street by Ruth Joy Photography Bishop Street by Ruth Joy Photography   Remit Art Exhibition, Leicester

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Art at the Chapel at the Northampton District Synod

Met lots of great people at the Northampton District Synod last Saturday whilst sharing what Art at the Chapel has been up to at Bishop Street. Everyone was very enthusiastic about using art and creativity in church which is wonderful!

If you want to find out more about how churches are bringing art into their buildings keep an eye out for information on our Exhibition of ‘Creativity in Church’ coming in September!

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Art Exhibition and Creative Workshop at Bishop Street

Art – the healing spirit

The Remit Exhibition will be showing from Thursday 8th May until Tuesday 20th May 2014. This thought provoking exhibition includes a wide range of artwork and poetry by Remit students.

Remit Art Exhibition, Leicester

Art Workshop

See the flyer below to find out details of the fantastic Art Workshop we are hosting  as part of this exhibition…

Art- The Healing Spirit Workshop leaflet a4 (1)


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