New Research into the Literature of the New Testament
Exhibition and Talk by Revd Dr David G. Palmer
Thursday 12th Feb 2015 – Sunday 15th Feb 2015
Please see below for opening times
EXHIBITION: Bishop Street Methodist Church hosts the launch of a two year nationwide travelling Art Exhibition. In it, Dr Palmer presents the revolutionary results of a life-time of literary research on the New Testament Books. The Exhibition, in the Church exhibition space, is open to all from 12.00 noon on Thursday 12th February through to the conclusion of the Morning Service on Sunday 15th. Dr Palmer will be present throughout. The opening times are as for the Chapel Café times: 10.00am to 4.00pm weekdays and 11.00am-3.00pm on Saturday. On Sunday, the doors will be opened at 10.00am and the Service will start at 10.45am.
TALK IN THE CHAPEL: 6.15-7.15pm, Thursday, 12th February: “New research into the Literature of the New Testament”, by Dr Palmer. All are welcome. Admission is free, with a retiring collection.
With this visit, Dr Palmer returns to the Leicester Trinity Methodist Circuit where, between 2005 and 2013, he was the Superintendent Minister.