Bishop Street Methodist Church

Art at the Chapel Explorations into Art and Spirituality

Christchurch Art Group Exhibition

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Christchurch Art Group Exhibition 

3rd – 17th September 2016

10am – 4pm on weekdays
11am – 3pm on Saturdays

Meet the artists from Christchurch Art Group and watch them work
Thursday 8th and 15th September from 10 am – 12 noon

Please scroll down for more information about the exhibition and joining the art group 

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Thursday Morning Art Group has been meeting for the last six years. This is the first time we have exhibited our work together so we have called this exhibition ‘Coming Together’. The only criteria for belonging to the group is to enjoy painting and drawing.We come from a variety of backgrounds some having spent longer with art activities than others and we recognise that given time and space creativity will emerge.

Our group is self taught and we share tips and encouragement. For two hours each week we relax, create and find some pleasure and inspiration being together. We meet in the Clarendon Park area of the city, just near the Queens Road shops. If you are interested in joining us please take an information sheet with more details.


All welcome: both beginners or experienced artists

Not taught but sharing tips and encouragement

Some equipment and materials available

Every Thursday morning 10am-12noon

Cost £2 per week including drink and biscuit

Christchurch, 105a Clarendon Park Road, Leicester, LE2 3AH

       near to the Queens Road traffic lights. No44 bus from city centre

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The Artists at Work

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Christchurch at exhibition poster small

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May 2016 Creative Service

Thought provoking creative service this month based around Jean Vanier’s book ‘Tears of Silence’ which challenges us to overcome our fears and excuses that allow us to ignore those suffering around us rather than finding ways to reach out to others.


Creative Retreat and Exhibition by Jaime Poole

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Contemplating the word final poster

ART EXHIBITION BY JAIME POOLE – 7th – 20th March 2015

Paintings inspired by the British landscape together with intricate colleges formed of poetry sit side by side in this visually stunning and thought provoking exhibition.

CREATIVE RETREAT  – Saturday 7th March from 1.30 – 5pm 

An afternoon of reflection and time to grow closer to God through art and poetry. The retreat will include times of quiet contemplation, creative worship and practical creative activities including making 3-D poem pieces.

There is no charge for the retreat – we will simply put out a bowl for contributions towards materials (suggested £1 – £3) if people feel they would like to pop something in it.

Please contact Ruth at [email protected] or call the Bishop Street Church office on 0116 255 4111 for details on joining us for this creative retreat day. 

See more of Jaime Poole’s work on his website here:

Retreat Leaflet



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Weaving Women’s Wisdom

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           Sharing stories from our different faith traditions.

           Spending time together, building friendships.

           Remembering Wise Women who have influenced us.

           Designing and making a woven carpet rug.

           Being part of a national project and touring exhibition.



This is a creative national project  to encourage new and existing groups of women from different faith communities to join together in weaving rugs. These will eventually be gathered together to make a travelling exhibition, “Weaving Women’s Wisdom”. Whilst they weave, groups are encouraged to have conversations around wisdom, remember wise women that have influenced their lives and faith, share important stories from tradition and scriptures and to reflect on the wisdom that they have both experienced and shared. The purpose of this project is to enable women and girls to have safe space to share their stories and to form honest and joyful interfaith friendships. The project runs from Sept 2014 to end of March 2015.

The national project is co-ordinated by The Touchstone Centre in Bradford. Touchstone, a centre for Methodist interfaith work is a ‘listening community’ with the vision of making safe places of hospitality where people of different backgrounds can listen to and talk with each other. Art at the Chapel is facilitating a Leicester group to be part of this exciting project.


You are welcome to join us for any of the sessions below. It is fine to ‘pop in’ and help during any of these times even if you can only spare half an hour!

WED 28th Jan 2015: 1pm  – 3pm Bishop Street Methodist Church. An introduction to the project and chance to meet each other.

Wed 4th Feb 2015: 12:00 – 4pm Bishop Street Methodist Church: Starting to create our rug

SAT 7th Feb 2015: 11:00am – 2pm Bishop Street Methodist Church: Working together on our weaving.

WED 11th Feb 2015: 10.30 – 11.30 am Sharma Women’s Center, 39-45 Sparkenhoe Street, Leicester,  LE2 0TD, 0116 251474

WED 18th Feb 2015: 12:00 – 4pm Bishop Street Methodist Church: Trying to complete our rug

WHO CAN GET INVOLVED:  Women of all ages from all faith traditions.

GET IN TOUCH: If you would like to get involved or simply want to find out more.

Please contact Ruth at   Tel: 0116 255 4111