Western Park
Sunday 24th April 2016
3 – 4pm
We would love you to join us for our free Contemplative Photography event. Learn how to use your camera as a meditative tool to experience the world around you in a fresh way. Suitable for all ages and abilities. All types of camera are fine including camera phones.
How to book a place: Please email Ruth at [email protected]. She will need to know how many places you would like to book .
Workshop leader: Ruth Joy is a professional wedding and portrait photographer who also has a keen interest in contemplative photography. With over ten years of teaching experience Ruth enjoys sharing her passion for photography with others.
What to expect: Ruth with explain the principles behind contemplative photography with visual examples and short practical exercises. You will then have some time to explore the park with your camera before the group gathers together to share their experience and images. Ruth will be available throughout the workshop to answer questions and offer advice.
What to bring: A camera. This can be anything from a camera phone to a compact point and shoot to a DSLR . Appropriate clothes and footware for the weather – we will be outside so make sure you stay warm. Some areas of the park may be muddy.
Where to meet: We will meet at 3pm in the car park accessed from the main park entrance off Hinkley Road. Click here for a map
Sharing our photographs: Please upload your favourite 3-6 images from the event onto our contemplative photography facebook page You are also welcome to submit 1-3 images into our summer open art exhibition to be held in the gallery at Bishop Street Church