Bishop Street Methodist Church

Art at the Chapel Explorations into Art and Spirituality

Creative Faith Postcards

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Creative Faith Postcards

A creative faith resource for prayer, worship or initiating conversations about God.

Packs cost £20 each and are available to buy from Art at the Chapel. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to purchase a set. 

About the Postcards

The Images
These images were taken as part of a photographic reflection
on faith entitled ‘Bind us, Refresh us, Renew us’. The process
of taking the photographs became a prayer as the artist used
her camera as a means to express the thoughts, feelings and
emotions involved in the intangible and yet intimate nature of
our relationship with God. We encourage you to spend time
with these images and the questions on the back of the cards
so they may become a visual meditation and aid for personal
reflection. If used in a group situation they can act as starting
points for shared conversation on faith and God.


The Artist
Ruth Joy is a professional photographer and part time art and
spirituality worker for Bishop Street Methodist Church in
Leicester. She is interested in how images connect us with
memories, emotions and belief which can be hard to express
with words alone and how people often look at the same
image in completely different ways so by unlocking multiple
layers of meaning contained within it.


Examples of the kind of images you will find in the pack  

Ways to use the Postcards

For Personal Reflection
Reflect on one card each day as part of a quiet time using the questions on the back of each card to focus your thoughts.
The cards also work well as an activity in a prayer corner or
as a prayer station. If used in this way it helps to present
some cards text side up and some image side up spread out
on a table around the remaining cards propped up in the box.

For Shared Reflection
The cards work in many situations including creative services,
quiet days and cell groups. Spread out all the postcards image
side up on the floor or a table and ask people to choose one
which resonates with them or which reflects an aspect of
their relationship with God. Allow a few minutes of silence and
ask people to read the questions on the back of the card.
Gently encourage a time where each person’s thoughts on
their chosen image can be shared. This can be very enriching
for the group. It can however be helpful to explain at the start that sharing thoughts is optional and to find a way to make it easy for someone to indicate they don’t wish to speak.


Each pack includes…
10 cards to aid reflection on our relationship with God.
10 cards to focus thought on what God means to us.

Packs cost £20 each and are available to buy from Art at the Chapel. Please contact us at [email protected] if you would like to purchase a set. 



Author: artatthechapel

Art at the Chapel is full of information on upcoming Art Exhibitions and Events at Bishop Street Methodist Church, Leicester. Art at the Chapel is for anyone interested in explorations into Art and Spirituality

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